November 09, 2001 - Gameshow Edition

Q. What is bronze, has shiny white teeth and an irrepressible personality?


Most everyone has fond memories of watching gameshows and ogling Carol Merril, err I mean appreciating her particular brand of 1970s style. The Gameshow Network, channel 161 for those with Iowa City digital cable, has afforded me the opportunity to step back into time and relive the good ol' days. Remember the constant chatting and dealery of Monty Hall and the irresistible oddness of Richard Dawson? These polished men have given me a reason to greet each day with a smile. The first requirement for a successful gameshow host is bronzed skin and an attitude. Take a look at some of my favorites to see what I mean.

Richard Dawson (host of original Family Feud) , Charles Nelson Reilly, Brett Somers and Gene Rayburn (host of Match Game)
Monty Hall was never afraid to make somebody a deal and then Zonk!!! them with a goat. Here he is on the set of Let's Make a Deal looking dashing and debonair.
Peter Tomarken is the king of the whammy, not to be confused with whoopie, and constantly challenged people to press their luck.

The second requirement of the classic gameshow concerns prizes. Standard payouts included:



Shag Carpet

The gameshow has enriched the life of every good American and has probably helped some communists too. If you do not have digital cable, please run to your nearest cable provider and ask for the service, and if your provider does not offer the Gameshow network you should either start a grass roots effort or take your business elsewhere. Bye.