The world wide web is made of Eight Character Passwords, Folders, Mail and Broken Windshields.
These guys went to school together.
Sherlock thinks of everything.

siverson sez: You shouldn't wear such a stupid hat.

Look he's still stuck on this screen. Hey Sherlock, Control-Alt-Delete dude.
Who says being a government employee is without benefits.
Why is Sherlock typing on his cell phone? I think it would be funny of Mr. Vulture a.k.a. Hacker pooped on his head. What is funnier than a bird getting pooped on? I mean come on, that is ultimate irony!
Sherlock sez "I'm a stern dude."
siverson sez: "The EPAs new Arthur Anderson policy."
Security is FUN!
Where did his badge and other funny hat go? Bye, Sherlock and I are going to have a graduation party tonight. Feel free to stop by.